The purpose of this policy and related procedure is to establish guidelines to identify students in need of support for their basic skills in English language, literacy and numeracy (LLN), and also for the provision of these support services to students to enable them to participate effectively in EAA’s vocational courses.
In its broadest sense, language involves the words, verbal structures and gestures we use to convey meaning. In using language we generally use a combination of communication forms such as speaking, listening, reading, writing and visual communication.
Literacy is the ability to read and use written information as well as to write appropriately, in a range of contexts. Literacy involves the integration of speaking, listening, and critical thinking with reading and writing. Literacy skills enable us to interact with one another to achieve particular purposes: to explain, debate, retrieve and provide information, explore issues, entertain and create.
Numeracy involves the practical application of mathematical skills to absorb, use and critically evaluate information in numerical or graphical form.
Depending on the context this can include basic number skills, spatial and graphical concepts, the use of measurement and problem solving. Numeracy may also involve literacy, for example when extracting mathematical information from written text.
EAA recognises the importance of basic skills in English language, literacy, and numeracy (LLN) for students in being able to participate actively and effectively in any course of study. Improving basic skills will assist in breaking down barriers for students in communicating with their trainers, peers and in the workplace. To achieve this, EAA will ensure that all participants enrolled in our vocational training courses are given the opportunity to learn based on their individual competencies in LLN identified by an LLN assessment test. We recognise that not all individuals have the same skills-set in reading, writing and performing calculations. EAA trainers and staff will endeavour to help and accommodate participants with difficulties in Language, Literacy or Numeracy. In the event that we are unable to meet the specific needs of the participant, we will refer the participant to an external support provider.
Needs Identification
We are required to ensure that we make every effort to assist our participants in achieving competency and the desired outcomes in our training programs. Part of this obligation is to ensure we confirm or re-affirm the information provided to us about participants and about any special needs that we need to know about. The process used at EAA is two-fold, comprising: a review of the contents of the enrolment form, and an LLN assessment test.
For domestic students an LLN assessment test is conducted by the admission staff prior to the enrolment after the student has accepted the letter of offer.
For International students an LLN assessment test is conducted by the admission staff on the day of orientation.
The purpose of the enrolment form is to obtain any information about previous education, disabilities and grasp of the English language. The information obtained in these two processes is to determine:
- The appropriateness of EAA’s course for the individual’s own goals and aspirations
- The individual’s grasp of English
- Any relevant disabilities that need to be considered when the individual participates in the course.
The purpose of the LLN assessment test is to confirm language, literacy and numeracy skills. We set the participants a time allocation of only 30 minutes to complete the test. We observe the participants for any signs of difficulty in completing the test.
The aim of this assessment is to ensure that we confirm the learning needs of our participants prior to commencement of the training. If we can identify any participant with special needs we can then ensure that we modify our learning and assessment strategies to accommodate their needs.
Equal Access
Access to training must be equal for all participants. EAA does not discriminate against participants whose needs are identified under the standards of LLN with regards to their enrolment in any current or future training courses. Where LLN levels are identified as being lower than the specified requirements for the qualification or course level , EAA will provide advice and information about alternative program choices or on where they can obtain assistance with their LLN issue. Ultimately it is the choice of participants as to whether or not they proceed with the enrolment.
All information relating to participants gathered during needs identification, training and evaluation will remain confidential. Participants will have access to any information gathered by EAA about them.