EAA has in place policies and procedures for monitoring, recording and assessing the course progress of each student for the course in which the student is currently enrolled. Policy and Procedures outlined in this document are not only applicable to the study conducted at the theory and practical classrooms but also to the work based training and practical placement, which is an integral part of the completion of some qualifications at EAA. EAA has implemented the DET -DIBP course progress policy and procedures for all its courses as listed on the CRICOS register at www.cricos.education.gov.au
This policy and related procedure relates to the monitoring of students’ academic progress and the consequent procedures for reporting to DIBP of unsatisfactory course progress.
This policy/procedure applies to all international students studying at EAA
Terms | Definitions |
Appeal | Request by a student to have a matter heard and/or re-considered after receiving an unfavourable decision. |
At Risk | Being “at risk” of not meeting satisfactory course progress requirements means:
Intervention Strategy | An individual plan to provide academic support and/or assistance to an international student identified ‘at risk’ of achieving satisfactory academic progression. |
Not Yet Competent (NYC) | Not meeting the required performance criteria to achieve satisfactory outcome for the unit |
PRISMS | Provider Registration and International Students Management System The management information system used by DET and DIBP to record international student program enrolment details. |
Satisfactory Academic Performance | An international student is displaying satisfactory academic performance if the student is achieving a competent result in all assessments for all units of competency undertaken in a given study period and is on track to successfully complete their program within the expected duration of study. |
Study Period | Study period means one term of study of 13 weeks (including course delivery, assessment, public holidays and break).
Workbased Training (WBT) | Any required period of training that occurs in a workplace as part of the qualification |
Unsatisfactory Academic Progress | Unsatisfactory progress is defined as a student not successfully completing or demonstrating competency in at least 50% or more of the course requirements in two consecutive study periods.
Academic performance relates to assessment of competency as the student progresses through the qualification. For the purposes of this policy/procedure unsatisfactory academic performance requiring the college to report the student to DET – DIBP is where a student has failed to/yet to achieve competence in more than 50% of units of competence undertaken in any two consecutive study periods of the qualification.
For EAA to show it is complying with Standard 10, it has the following as evidence:
- a documented policy and procedure for monitoring, recording and assessing course progress;
- a documented intervention strategy for students at risk of not making satisfactory course progress;
- evidence of assessing students’ course progress at the end of each study period;
- documented evidence in students’ files of the intervention measures implemented for them;
- evidence in students’ files of written notice informing the students that the provider intends to report them for not making satisfactory progress and advising them that they are able to access the provider’s complaints and appeals process within 20 working days;
- evidence of an appeal in accordance with Standard 8, if a student appeals; and
- evidence in the student’s file of final reporting to DET via PRISMS.
Advice to students
At the orientation session students will be advised of the meaning and requirements for academic performance and of the requirement to complete the course by the scheduled end date of the course.
Early detection of, and intervention in, lack of satisfactory academic performance
As EAA is committed to ensuring that all students have satisfactory learning experiences at the College, early identification of issues affecting student progress and performance is a priority. Consequently trainers will notify the Course coordinator whenever a student, undertaking the first study period, fails to achieve a satisfactory result in consecutive assessments that form part of any unit or fails to achieve a unit of competency considered by EAA as being critical for future success in the unit or any unit specified within the Training package as a prerequisite unit. On receiving notification from the trainers the Course coordinator will arrange for a letter or other communication to be sent to the student requesting that they meet the Course coordinator to discuss academic performance. Evidence of this communication will be maintained on the students file.
The purpose of this meeting is to determine the reasons for this lack of satisfactory academic performance of a student who is yet to complete the first study period of the qualification and to develop strategies involving student support and student action to assist the student to gain the necessary competence in a time frame that enables the student to complete the course within the expected course duration.
Outcomes, actions and agreements of that meeting signed by both the Course coordinator and the student will be given to the student and a copy kept on the students file. It is expected that the student will honour the agreed actions.
A report of non-attendance at the meeting will be put on the student’s file if despite the best endeavours of the college the student does not attend the meeting.
Review of academic performance at end of study period
At the end of a study period the Course coordinator will review the academic performance of ALL students. This will be done by examining the students allocated study program and by examining the academic results provided by trainers for the units of competency, comprising the study program, undertaken during the study period.
If as result of the review it is identified that; a student has failed a majority (more than 50%) of units undertaken in that study period the Course coordinator will notify the Student Services officer who will contact the student through personal contact, telephone and/or email and/or sms and a letter sent by mail to arrange for a meeting with the student involving the Course coordinator to discuss academic performance. The letter will advise students of the individual units that they had failed to achieve a competent result. The letter will also advise continuing with this level academic performance over two consecutive study periods could lead to the student being reported to DIBP and cancellation of his or her visa, depending on the outcome of any appeals process. Evidence of this letter and other communications will be held on the students file and SMS.
The purpose of the meeting is to determine the reasons for this lack of satisfactory academic performance and to develop and implement intervention strategies involving student support and student action to assist the student to gain the necessary competence in a time frame that enables completion of the course within the expected course duration. Outcomes, actions and agreements of that meeting signed by the Course coordinator and the student services coordinator, and the student will be given to the student and a copy kept on the students file.
Intervention strategies may include:
- Advising the student on the suitability of the course that they are enrolled in
- Arranging extra learning support or tutorials, if required
- Arranging for complementary English classes, if required
- Allocation of a mentor or ‘Buddy”
- Arranging counselling for assistance with personal issues
- Providing advice regarding study habits (i.e. maintaining required class attendance)
- Providing opportunities for students to be reassessed or to repeat subjects
- Arranging to vary or reduce the enrolment load for the following semester
- Providing advice re-course suitability (i.e. Literacy, Language and Numeracy)
- Allocating a new individualised study program for the following study period. Such an individualised study program may include repeat units in addition to the normal study program or in place of units specified in the normal program.
The student
- Undertaking re-assessment in each of the failed units
- Undertaking a period of study during the scheduled break between study periods
- Repeating failed units during the next study period by
- Attending additional classes
- Undertaking a self-paced/on line programs
- Being required to undertake additional English language classes prior to re assessment
- Producing evidence of competence gained in the workplace.
In most cases the agreed actions, may require the student to pay an additional fee for additional tuition or assessment services.
- Tuition @ $12 per class hour
- Re- Assessment @ $200 per unit
Students who fail to achieve competence in a majority of units of competence undertaken during this study period will be advised that this lack of satisfactory academic performance in two consecutive study periods could lead to the student being reported to DIBP and cancellation of his or her visa, depending on the outcome of any appeals process. These students will be classified as being “At Risk” and recorded on file.
A report of non-attendance at the meeting will be put on the student’s file if despite the best endeavours of the college the student does not attend the meeting.
Monitoring of students “At risk” during a consecutive study period.
The academic performance of ALL students classified as being “At Risk” or who are undertaking repeat units in any study period as a result intervention strategies put in place in the previous study period will be monitored in an ongoing way.
- Any assessment undertaken by the student in any unit undertaken in the study period that achieves other than a competent result will be recorded and may require the student to immediately discuss their academic performance with the Course coordinator.
- All results of these students will be reviewed at the midpoint of the study period by the Course coordinator. This will be done by examining the students allocated study program and by examining the academic results provided by trainers for the units, comprising the study program, undertaken during the study period.
Students who, at this midpoint, are displaying a lack of satisfactory academic performance in their new units or in units being repeated will be contacted by the Student services coordinator to attend a meeting with the Course coordinator and/or trainers to discuss their academic progress. Contact will be through personal contact, telephone and/or email and/or sms or, at last resort, mail.
The purpose of this meeting will be to determine the reasons for the ongoing lack of satisfactory performance and to develop strategies involving student support and student action to assist the student to gain competence by the end of the study period. Outcomes, actions and agreements of that meeting signed by the Course coordinator and/or Student services officer and the student will be given to the student and a copy kept on the students file.
Review of academic performance at end of a consecutive study period for students “At Risk”.
At the end of the study period the Course coordinator will particularly review the academic performance of any student “At Risk”
If as result of the review it is identified that; a student has failed to/yet to pass a majority of the units (more than 50%) undertaken in the current study period the Course coordinator will notify the Student services coordinator who will notify the student in writing of its intention to report the student to DET-DIBP for not achieving satisfactory course progress. This written notice will be sent by mail. The written notice will inform the student that he or she is able to access the EAA ’s complaints and appeals process as per ESOS Standard 8 (Complaints and appeals) and that the student has 20 working days in which to do so. A copy of this letter is retained within the student’s file.
If the student chooses not to access the complaints and appeals processes within the 20 working day period, withdraws from the process, or the process is completed and results in a decision supporting the College , the student services coordinator will notify the Secretary of DET through PRISMS of the student not achieving satisfactory course progress as soon as practicable.
If a student appeals the college’s intention to notify the Secretary of DET through PRISMS of the student not achieving satisfactory course progress and the appeal is successful the normal interview and intervention strategy approach indicated earlier in this policy and procedure will prevail and the student will continue with their enrolment.
If the student appeals and the college’s decision to notify the Secretary of DET through PRISMS of the student not achieving satisfactory course progress is upheld the student will be informed that they can access an external appeals mechanism by contacting the overseas student’s ombudsman at http://www.oso.gov.au. The student will be requested to notify the college if they are making such an external appeal.
The student’s enrolment at the college is continued until any external appeal has been determined. The college will abide by any resolution or determination of the overseas students ombudsman.
Similarly if a result of the review a student’s academic performance shows a lack of satisfactory performance in less than 50% of scheduled units the normal interview and intervention strategy approach indicated earlier in this policy and procedure will prevail.
Copies of all outcomes and notifications related the appeal processes are kept on the student’s file in accordance with the College’s complaints and appeals policy and procedure.
Review of the impact of intervention strategies on course duration
At all stages of this review and monitoring process the impact of any decision relating to implementation of intervention strategies on the expected course duration for a student will be examined and any likely or possible variation in course duration will be noted on the students file. Reporting’ the student (issuing a new CoE) will occur when EAA knows the student cannot reasonably complete his or her course, as specified in the delivery and assessment strategy, within the expected duration as specified on the student’s CoE. However EAA will only issue a new CoE when they can accurately predict how long an extension of duration of study the student will require.
Students Undergoing Practical Placement
Students placed in the Practical placement program, MUST read this course progress policy in conjunction with Work Based training Procedure.